Optimize your Salesforce with Confidence by Follow These Six Steps

1. Align Your Salesforce to Your Sales Process

Every business has an individually unique sales process that works best for their business and products. Before you start inputting data, you should evaluate your sales and business’s needs. Salesforce is customizable to fit your individual set of objectives and goals. This helps establish best practices for inputting, maintaining, and utilizing customer relationship data for sales optimizations. You will align your sales process and employees for successful leads.

2. Be Detailed

Make sure your organization knows how to use Salesforce to its full potential. You are limiting Salesforce when you only keep track of their leads, which usually means they input basic information. Details like contact information, phone number, and the products or service they are interested in are helpful, but not enough. You can use the Salesforce inputting process to place your lead entry process and provide further information. Don’t miss out on important details— know where the lead came from.

3. Collect Performance Data and Analyze Metrics

Salesforce is the best tool to manage and transform your sales group into their growth potential. Reports and dashboards allow every member of your sales team to know how they are performing, where they can improve, and what they are doing best. These reports identify where the sales team’s strengths and weaknesses are. Your Sales strategies should evolve to meet those needs. The most effective way to evolve those sales strategies is with real-time customer and market data.

4. Create Opportunities by Having Regular Check-ins

Winning new business is the excitement that drives your sales team. Having a clear understanding by your team on when to move sales prospects through the sales cycle helps you identify where opportunities are stalling. It allows management the ability to help sales with prospects through coaching and new techniques.

5. Essential Profile Fields are Mandatory

To continuously turn Salesforce data into new opportunities, you have to make certain steps of data collection mandatory for the team. Creating a structure on the types of questions and information that you want your sales team to capture enables your sales lead s and utilizes sales strategies.

6. Put Passion in Your Sales Process

Salesforce can perform at the highest level if your sales processes are defined and customized to your business. Put passion behind your sales for better leads and Salesforce will help your team succeed. Once you’ve done that, then Salesforce can uncover important patterns about your customers—both current and potential—in surprising ways. This is how Salesforce creates opportunities automatically, by keeping your sales funnel full and retargeting your efforts to where they will yield the best results.

At The Alias Group, we start by examining the individual inside sales challenges that your company faces. Then we move methodically through stages from discovery to strategy to a Salesforce implementation. The Alias discovery process uncovers your current sales processes, your most pressing challenges, and your short- and long-term goals. Then we develop an inside sales program or Salesforce optimization plan that is both intuitive and results-driven.

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Whether you have questions or you’re ready to bring your business to the next level using Salesforce, contact an expert from The Alias Group today!